Today, I’m happy to announce launch of the Gaming Marketing Institute (GMI)!
The genesis for GMI, however, began ten years ago, when I started Esports Group (on a whim). To be honest, I really didn’t know what would come of it. Nor did I have much of a plan.
All I knew was that esports and gaming felt right, not to mention it also looked like the next big marketing and advertising destination. So, there I went.
Along the way, it struck me there’s a massive gap when it comes to gaming.
On one side, you have a community of dedicated, passionate people who make everything go. On the other side, you have everyone else looking at things from the outside.
This gap is particularly wide when it comes to marketers. Where there are certainly talented marketers with a lifetime of experience working in gaming. Plus, some more who have experience with gaming, but maybe on a less involved basis.
Unfortunately, most marketers mostly view gaming as an enjoyable pursuit (including those who are gamers themselves).
However, my experience is that gaming is not just an enjoyable source of entertainment but also a powerful communication medium.
But, to tap into gaming, there are certain things marketers need to know.
So, to make gaming knowledge accessible to all marketers, not just those who’ve spent a lifetime immersed in the space, the Esports Group has launched GMI.
GMI’s mission is to be the go-to source for marketers across the world, who benefit from learning how to effectively connect with gaming audiences.
That said, please check out our online presence (links below) and get in touch if you’d like to begin a learning journey.
- Website –
- Instagram – @GamingMarketingInst
- Twitter – GamingMarketingInst
- LinkedIn – Click here
- YouTube – @GamingMarketingInstitute